zpool import / no pools / stale zdb labels

zpool import / no pools / stale zdb labels

  • Written by
    Walter Doekes
  • Published on

Today, when trying to import a newly created ZFS pool, we had to supply the -d DEV argument to find the pool.

# zpool import
no pools available to import

But I know it's there.

# zpool import local-storage
cannot import 'local-storage': no such pool available

And by specifying -d with a device search path, it can be found:

# zpool import local-storage -d /dev/disk/by-id


# zpool list -oname

Manually specifying a search path is not real convenient. It would make the boot process a lot less smooth. We'd have to alter the distribution provided scripts, which in turn makes upgrading more painful.

The culprit — it turned out — was an older zpool that had existed on this device. This caused the zeroth label to be cleared, but the first label to be used:

# zdb -l /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Micron_9300_MTFDHAL3T8TDP_1234
failed to read label 0
    version: 5000
    name: 'local-storage'
    state: 0

The easy fix here is to flush the data and start from scratch:

# zfs destroy local-storage

At this point, zdb -l still lists LABEL 1 as used.

# zfs labelclear /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Micron_9300_MTFDHAL3T8TDP_1234

Now the labels are gone:

# zdb -l /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Micron_9300_MTFDHAL3T8TDP_1234
failed to unpack label 0
failed to unpack label 1
failed to unpack label 2
failed to unpack label 3

And after recreating the pool everything works normally:

# zpool create -O compression=lz4 -O mountpoint=/data local-storage \
# zdb -l /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Micron_9300_MTFDHAL3T8TDP_1234
    version: 5000
    name: 'local-storage'
    state: 0
# zpool export local-storage
# zpool import
   pool: local-storage
     id: 8392074971509924158
  state: ONLINE
 action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.
# zpool import local-storage

All good. Imports without having to specify a device.

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